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RE: [VintageLambo] Re: Spring Compresssor

Robinson, Aaron

Body of Message

Amen to that. We used a conventional hydraulic press (the base Harbor Freight model, I think a 5 ton?) to compress each shock. Turns out a Corvette brake rotor circa 1972, placed on the top of the shock with the wheel flange facing down, is the perfect size to fit over the neck and keepers of the shock and press down on the retaining ring. Steel rod bridged the rotor, which is what the press plunger pushed on. Springs were unloaded in about 2 minutes apiece once the setup had been optimized. Plus, the press is something you can use for other jobs, like crushing watermelons. AR -----Original Message----- From: Alan S. Watkins [mailto:aswatk@pacbell.net] Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 7:24 PM To: VintageLambo@yahoogroups.com Subject: [VintageLambo] Re: Spring Compresssor Harbor Freight 45860 does the job in about 30 seconds and with proper use has the added benefit of being safe and reliable. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=45860


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